The Anthropology of the Right and Left - Or How I found myself to be Old British Liberal Conserivative

The videos posted today by Whatifalthist paints a much more clear picture of what he discussed in his manifesto video, and while I do not completely agree with everything he says, he does make for some good arguments regarding the hypercollectivism and exploitation of people nowadays. 

In his video on the Left, he discusses the fact that left society has "won" the culture war for now, and is the main leader of governments within the west. This I agree with for the most part, where there are some fluctuations in how "left" they are, but there is a general consensus of no God but ourselves, no clear focus on what is to come save for a self made utopia, blank slate style teaching, overmanaging and a constantly shifting boogeyman to blame for everything. Even within the United Church, the extreme left has taken over making it near impossible to do something that is actually about Jesus or God in any form that is close to the national or regional level. 

In his video on the right, he goes into how the right is made up of all the rest, from nazis to farmers.  I would argue that the left also has division within itself, as the insane left is for tearing down everything society has made, while the more centrist left is for status quo, and even a few centrists (where I fall) see both political sides as stupid, but one is less stupid in leadership than the other.  In more detail, he talks about the history of how the "right" came to be, mainly tracing through the british side as that is his main ideology he supports. 

In the middle of the video, he lays out what makes a liberal leaning democracy work, that is a small government, letting the free market decide, and personal responsibility and freedom as core components.  This is in contrast to what he labels as technocratic liberalism, where the government is all powerful, is against dissent, and does wealth redistribution based on perceived vs actual need. (18:58). 

The former is closer to what I would classify as libertarian, while the latter is what I would classify as authoritarian, both of which can be taken in Left or Right directions. Currently, Western society is going authoritarian left, and what I labeled as libertarian democracy he clarifies as british conservatism, based off of the british after the french revolution, and has branches traced to today. 

Many of the components he highlights as part of the british conservatism and liberal democracy cornerstones, I see as core components society needs to reestablish to not have technolarpers take over the world (Musk, Bezos, et al.) These components being:

1. Property Owning - something to fight for

2. Educated - know why and make RATIONAL decisions

3. Moral - have a heart and guide

4. Religious - Foundation of morals and community

5. Homogenous - a greater community

6. Warlike - ability to fight

Currently, the authoritarian left driving society is not looking for improving it, but leeching off of it to death, and jumping ship just before it goes down, either to space or technobunkers in the jungle, whilst also dismantling all 6 of these components that make a society, as cashing them out makes the leaders a little more powerful in the short term, and they think they can save this power for when everything goes sideways, as even Reddit, a community of communities of mainly left wing groups, sees this as unsustainable.

Passing all the power to a centralized authority was tried through Communism and Nazism, maybe by decentralizing it, we can have a more balanced society where people don't have to care about the big picture, but the little is all that is needed. The formation of the hardware of the internet is that way,  no one person "owns" the internet, it by definition is interconnected, but no one has a full map. It runs like the post office, an address goes in, bounces to next closest and eventually ends up where it is needed. No one is in charge of delivering it the entire way.

For this to work, a system that allows people to "own" their life and something to fight for,  smart enough to see what is worth pursuing, morals and community as well as the ability to stand for what you believe in is required. 

Overall, we need to regain the ability to Discern, Defend and Own our ideas, actions and beliefs so that we can be human once again.


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